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Classic Cars of the Future – The Time To Buy Is Now!
Classic cars provide a unique investment opportunity for the long-term investor, but to really make the best of it, a bit of trend-watching can help increase the return on investment. It’s an old saying that everything in life goes in cycles, and it is no different with the classic car market, though the cycles may be longer than the average investor is expecting.
A Special Type of Investment
First though, one thing that makes buying old cars a unique investment opportunity is, these stand-out vehicles are eye-catching and fun to drive. Owning one is more than just owning a valuable car, it is – or can be – a statement, and often part of a fond memory of a time that has passed in one’s life.
Bought It Because You Loved It…
If purchased as part of a fond memory or because of a special affinity for a certain car, it may be hard to let go of when it’s time to turn it over for sale. This is not an ideal situation when buying these machines for investment value, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t work. It just makes it a bit harder to let go, but at least owning it for a time is enjoyable.
Buying Purely as Investment
This is where trend-watching comes into play as a valuable tool for an investor. Classic cars are only going to increase in value as they become more and more scarce, but there are still going to be ups and downs in the prices. Adding seasonal trends and long-term trends to your understanding of this market will let you earn the highest return on your investment dollars.
Seasonal Trends
Watching seasonal trends will give you an idea of the best time to buy or sell for short-term investing, and it’s fairly basic. Warm weather means summer vacation, car shows, and road trips for many people, so warm months are when demand is the highest – and prices are highest then, too.
While there are always exceptions to every rule, you are most likely to get the lowest prices during cold months. So, typically, you would want to buy when it’s cold and unpleasant outside and sell when demand is high in summer months.
Long-Term Trends
Long-term trends are harder to identify when it comes to cars, but you can use a web tool, like Google Trends, or another analytic tool to use Internet searches as a guideline. If you set the tool to show searches for a specific type of classic car, for example, you can see if it is presenting as a downtrend, an uptrend, or if it has flatlined.
Nothing Is Written in Stone, but…
Ideally, if you see a downtrend of about fifteen or twenty years when you look at the long-term history for a specific type of vehicle, it should be due to begin an upward trend, so buying at a low point in the trend gives you the greatest likelihood of making a profit when you are ready to turn over your long-term investment in a piece of vintage iron.
How to Care for Your Natural Chamois Leather Drying Cloth
A quality natural chamois leather drying cloth is one of the best options for drying a vehicle completely and safely. Natural chamois leather cloths have been used for drying cars and trucks for decades and although many new products have been introduced in recent years, the chamois remains one of the safest and most effective options. Many of the newer products are less expensive, primarily due to the fact that they are synthetic and made from petroleum by-products, but the chamois cloth remains one of the most durable and absorbent products available. A chamois is soft, has lots of nap, releases dirt and grit better when rinsed and will last years when properly maintained.
Preparing a Natural Chamois Drying Cloth for its First Use
Before using a chamois the first time, wash the cloth in lukewarm water with a mild soap. Do not use harsh chemicals like bleach, degreasers like Dawn or any laundry
detergents. Modern chamois cloths are made from sheepskin and tanned with fish oil to make them soft. Washing a chamois with a degreasing soap will strip the natural oils that keep the cloth supple and cause it to breakdown and shed.
Using Chamois Leather to Dry a Vehicle
The vehicle should be thoroughly washed with an appropriate car wash soap and thoroughly rinsed prior to drying. Removing all of the dirt and grit during the wash process is essential to protecting the paint during the drying phase. Before using a chamois to dry a vehicle, it should first be rinsed in clean water and wrung out. Rewetting and ringing out a dry chamois will restore the original softness and absorbency. The natural nap will trap and pull any remaining fine dirt or grit into the cloth and away from the paint. A chamois should be rinsed and rung out frequently to release any particles removed from the finish into the rinse water. Unlike many other products, a chamois is extremely soft, absorbent, contains lots of nap and releases dirt and grit completely when rinsed. Care should be taken to avoid contaminating a chamois cloth with grease or oil and should never be used with strong chemicals.
Cleaning a Chamois Cloth the right way
After each use a natural chamois should be rinsed completely with clean soapy water and repeatedly wrung out gently until clean. Leaving a little soap or water in a chamois will not damage the leather, provided that the soap is mild and does not contain any degreasing agents. Do not machine wash or tumble dry. Many detergents used for washing clothing can also strip away the natural oils used in the tanning process and significantly shorten the effective life of the chamois cloth.
Drying and Storing a Leather Chamois
After washing, rinse thoroughly in clean water, ring out gently and pull on the edges to gently stretch the cloth back into its natural shape. Hang up to dry in an area away from direct sunlight. Do not fold or wad up and do not place in a bag. A chamois, like any leather, will stiffen as it dries. To soften the chamois without rewetting, rub the chamois against itself or grip opposite ends of the cloth and draw it back and forth across the edge of a clean surface until the desired softness is reached. Once the chamois cloth has completely dried, it should be stored in a dry place away from chemicals and direct sunlight.
Chamois Leather Exposed to Harsh Chemicals
A chamois that has been “cleaned” with a degreaser, exposed to harsh chemicals or dried and/or stored improperly will quickly break down and, like any leather product, will rot, shed and eventually fall apart. But with proper care and maintenance, a genuine natural leather chamois cloth is durable, soft and will last for years with normal use.
Other Uses for Natural Chamois Cloths
The softness and nap of a chamois leather makes it ideal for dusting, removing dust and oils from the screens of electronic devices such as smart phones, tablets and computer screens, as well as kitchen fixtures and appliances. Smaller chamois cloths are also used to polish and shine jewelry and shoes.